SI Award 2013

SI Award was presented to ex-participating youth of SSEAYP for their outstanding contributions to alumni associations and social contribution activities in communities. The Award is implemented every three years.  In 2013, the award ceremony was organized at the 25th SSEAYP International General Assembly in Lao P.D.R.

Purpose of SI Award:

As a social relevant organization, SSEAYP International established the SI Award, which aims to encourage and appreciate our members, respective people and organizations for their voluntary spirits, contributions to our society.  It also aims to advocate other members, how we can dedicate to our society and the future.

SI Awardeees of 2013:
1. Brunei - Mr. Zulkifli Bin Haji Asmad - PY1996
2. Cambodia - Dr. Monirath Hav - PY2005
3. Indonesia - Mr. Adang Gumilar - PY1985
4. Japan - Ms.Naoko Tanaka - PY1980, NL1995
5. Lao P.D.R. - Ms. Soukdaly Sisaykeo - PY2008
6. Philippines - Dr. Edwin V. Antonio - PY2002
 7. Singapore - Mr. William Cheong - PY 1985NL2006
 8. Thailand - Mr. Taweechai Termkunanon - PY1974
9. Vietnam - Ms. Pham Thi Phuong Chi - NL2006

SIGA Laos 2013 in Pictures


Opening address by Ms. Keooudone Sengmanivong, the Chairperson of the 25th SIGA Organizing Committee

Speech by the representative of the alumni associations, Ms. Ma. Aurelia Pacetes Florentino, President of SSEAYP International Philippines, Inc.

VIP attendance (Dr. Sounthone Xayyachack, Deputy Minister of Ministry of Foreigh Affairs (Middle), Dr. Vilayvong Bouddakham, Secretary General of Lao Youth Union (third from right), Government Official from Cabinet Office of Japan (third from Left)

Gift exchange with the Representativea of Alumni Association and Lao Youth Union

Report by SI Secretary General, Ms. Yoriko Ii

General Assembly

Country Report by alumni association (Thailand)

Power Point presentation about PPA of TPYs2012

Country Report by alumni association (IYEO)

Panel Discussion

Panelists with Mr. Osamu Shimizu, Vice-Minister for Policy Coordination, Cabinet Office of Japan

Panel Discussion on stage

Ms. Tomoko Okawara, President of IYEO, as one of Panelists

Mr. Inthy Deuansavan, Managing Director of Green Discovery Laos, CEO of Inthira Hotel and Restaurant Management Cp., Ltd as one of Panelists

A SIGA participant asking questions to panelists

Welcome Reception

Mr. Osamu Shimizu, Vice-Minister, Vice-Minister for Policy Coordination, Cabinet Office of Japan and Dr.Vilayvong Bouddakham, Secretary General of Lao Youth Union

Gift Exchange

SI Award: SI Awardees 2013 at Welcome Reception with high ranking officials of Lao and Japanese governments and embassadors from Japan and ASEAN nations in Laos

Institutional Visit

K&B Furniture

Vientiane High School

Farewell Party

Certificate given to the representative of alumni association by the Chairperson

 SI Flag Hand Over to Malaysia, the next SIGA Hosting Country

Basi Ceremony

All participants in front of That Luang Stupa

SSEAYP International Indonesia

SSEAYP International Singapore

SSEAYP International Brunei Darussalam (BERSATU)

SSEAYP International Lao