The Ship for Southeast Asian Youth Program (SSEAYP)

SSEAYP is based on the respective Joint Statements issued in January 1974 between Japan and the Republic of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Republic of the Philippines, the Republic of Singapore and the Kingdom of Thailand. Brunei Darussalam, following the full independence and its admission to ASEAN in January 1984, joined the Program in 1985.  The Socialist Republic of Vietnam joined in 1996, following its admission to ASEAN in July 1995, and the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and the Republic of the Union of Myanmar joined in 1998 after both countries were admitted to ASEAN in July 1997. Furthermore, in 2000 the Kingdom of Cambodia also joined the Program following its admission to ASEAN in April 1999. The Program is carried out by the Government of Japan with the active participation and cooperation of these ten Southeast Asian countries.

1. Purpose
The aims of the Program are to promote friendship and mutual understanding among the youths of the ten Southeast Asian countries and Japan, to broaden their perspective on the world, and furthermore, to strengthen their spirit of international cooperation and practical skills for international collaboration, and as a result, cultivate the youths who are capable to exercise their leadership skills in various fields in the globalizing society and to contribute to the society in the areas such as youth development. These aims can be achieved through sharing their lives onboard the ship, introducing each other about their countries, participating in discussions and various exchange activities both onboard and in the countries to be visited.

2. Outline of the Program

(1) Activities Onboard the Ship
a) Discussion Program and Post-Program Session
b) Solidarity Group Activities
c) Club Activities
d) National Presentation (Introductions of Each Country)
e) Lectures
f) Orientation for a safe voyage including a lifeboat drill
g) Other activities approved by the COC

(2) Activities in the Countries to be Visited
a) Courtesy calls and receptions
b) Homestays (except National Leaders)
c) Open Ship
d) Institutional visits and interaction with local youths
e) Other activities arranged by the respective governments/reception committees

(4) Working Language
English shall be the working language throughout the Program.

3. Participants
Participating Youths shall be:
i) Between 18 and 30 years of age;
ii) Able to participate throughout the Program;
iii) Having a good command of English to participate in the activities both onboard the ship and in the countries to be visited;
iv) Sound in mind and body;
v) Cooperative and adaptable to an orderly group life in accordance with the Program schedule;
vi) Having an interest and good understanding in the participating countries.

SSEAYP International Indonesia

SSEAYP International Singapore

SSEAYP International Brunei Darussalam (BERSATU)

SSEAYP International Lao