SI Activities

SSEAYP International (SI) General Information

What is the SSEAYP International (SI)?
The SSEAYP International (SI) is an international youth organization established in 1987 comprising of the SSEAYP Alumni Associations (AAs) in ASEAN member countries and Japan.  It serves as the link among the member AAs and provides the platform for collaboration, cooperation and coordination of international youth exchange programs and socio-civic activities.

The former PYs of SSEAYP in ASEAN member countries have voluntarily established their respective AAs and have been actively contributing in international exchange and youth development activities.  Meanwhile, the Japanese former PYs in the international youth exchange programs sponsored by the Cabinet Office (CAO) of Japan (i.e. not only ex-PYs of SSEAYP but also of the Ship for World Youth Leaders (SWY), the International Youth Development Exchange Program (INDEX), the Japan-China Youth Friendship Exchange Program, the Japan-Korea Youth Friendship Exchange Program, and the Community Core Leaders Program) have also voluntarily organized the International Youth Exchange Organization of Japan (IYEO).  The IYEO has been launching various post-program activities and has been spearheading collaborative projects with the different AAs.  Through SI, the AAs are able to cooperate and help each other in achieving their individual as well as collective goals, missions and aspirations.

Annual Activities
(1)   SSEAYP International General Assembly (SIGA)
SIGA is held annually.  The venue is rotated among member countries of SI.
(2)   The Council of Presidents (COP) Meeting
The COP Meeting is the venue where the representatives of each SI member country discuss the SI activities.  It is held at least twice a year.
(3)   Onboard Ship Conference (OBSC)
The OBSC representatives report the AAs and the post-program activities to new PYs.  It is held onboard during SSEAYP.
(4)   Annual Newspaper: SSEAYP NEWS
Generally, SSEAYP NEWS covers SI activities, AA reports, introduction of post-program activities of the latest PYs, etc.  It is published annually and the articles are collected and edited by the OBSC representatives.
(5)   SI Award
An award given to individuals or organizations that provided valuable contributions to SI.  It aims to encourage and appreciate SI members for their voluntary spirits, contributions to the society.  The award is given once every three years.
(6)   Social Contribution Activities (SCAs)
The Social Contribution Activities of SI include, but are not limited to, the distribution of relief goods and supplies to victims of natural disasters, physically challenged people, orphans and street children, etc.  The AAs do not only receive donations from local sources but also there are instances where some AAs contribute to the outreach programs of the others.
(7)   Human Resource Network
Ex-PYs who are working or studying in the same/similar fields can make the best use of our SSEAYP network through the human resource network.  It contains information about the fields of expertise of every individual SI member.
(8)   Sending SI Members to Training Programs of Other Organizations
This provides great opportunities for former SSEAYP participants to participate in various international youth exchange programs, workshops, seminars, etc. run by other organizations.  The network of friendship initiated by SSEAYP makes these tie-ups and collaborative undertakings possible.
(9)  Database of Members
The AA of the respective countries manage the database of their members.
(10) Networking with the Ship for World Youth Alumni Association (SWYAA)
      Ex-PYs of SSEAYP can also expand their network to include the ex-PYs of the Ship for World     Youth Leaders (SWY), the other ship program conducted by the Cabinet Office, through the IYEO.

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